Friday, July 22, 2011

My Connections to Play

Just Playing Quotes:
Whoever wants to understand much must play much.
~Gottfried Bern 

Life is playfulness…We need to play so that we can rediscover the magic all around us.
~Flora Colao 

Play is the highest form of research.
~Albert Einstein 

Helpful sites:

Essential Play Items:
I love nature, as a child all I would need is imagination and a friend.  We loved collecting nature items and turning them into pieces of art.  We built stick forts, we made mud pies, we threw pine cones and hit them with sticks for baseball, we used trees as bases for tag...  it was so much fun not having "items" to play with, but simply using our imagination.  Although, I do have found memories of using store bought chalk.  :)
Play was supported by our parents, a safe community and nature itself.  We were told to go outside and come home when the street lights came on.  We were not allowed to watch TV all day, or play with electronic devices.  Our parents did not entertain us, they gave us creative ideas for our own imaginative play.  I remember discovering the world through play and experimenting.  I made sense of the world through role playing and imagination.
Play today is SO much different.  Our communities are not as safe, electronic devices rule our children who are less physically active and use less imagination.  Children are maturing faster, and becoming independent from adults, not in imagination, but in worldly topics.  As a mother of two, I fight the battle to get my kids outside without an adult to entertain them.  
Play is SO vital to development of children on every level at ALL ages.  We are loosing our imagination and gaining technological skills.... is that a good trade off?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Relationship Reflection

    I feel that partnerships in this world are crucial in one's ability to maintain sanity and survival.  They provide us the opportunity to not only be supported, but to support others as well.  I have surrounded myself with many partnerships, both professionally and personally.  They guide me through decisions in life, and they help me celebrate the accomplishments I have achieved.  One such partnership is in my wonderful husband.  He is my rock.  We give each other support, compassion, reality, and encouragement... not to mention adoration, respect, and the freedom to be who we are deep inside.  Partnerships, no matter what the context (personal/professional) are rewarding for both sides.  My husband is my biggest supporter.  I keep him in check and he keeps me grounded.  I consider my relationship with my own children to be a partnership.  We work as a team within our family.  This team is surrounded with trust and respect-these things are critical for working fluently with one another.
 Adam age 11, Juli age 4
 Elementary school graduation, middle school here we come!
    Daddy and his princess, 4th birthday party.
    Professionally, I have my direct supervisor, who I am honored to say is my closest friend.  She inspires me to be the best I can be in my work.  She believes in me and constantly encourages me to preserver in all I do.  I support her with a dedication to my work and friendship that I didn't know I had deep inside.  We have overcome many obstacles in our work, and together we are stronger.

    Ms. Harriet (my best friend and director of my program)

    Maintaining a relationship/partnership requires work and dedication.  This is true in the field of early childhood education.  Our partnerships with the children and families requires such attention.  We overcome obstacles and challenges everyday within these partnerships.  Within the profession, we utilize these partnerships for the benefit of the children.  Challenges such as differing cultures, ideas, methods, strategies, and beliefs may inhibit these partnerships, but with an open mind and heart, they can be embraced and leaned from.