DEC (Division for Early Childhood)
Code of Ethics:
Professional and Interpersonal Behavior:2. We shall demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity, truthfulness, and honesty in all
our professional activities in order to inspire the trust and confidence of the children and families
and of those with whom we work.
Professional Collaboration:
2. We shall honor and respect the rights, knowledge, and skills of the multidisciplinary colleagueswith whom we work recognizing their unique contributions to children, families, and the field of
early childhood special education.
Responsive Family Centered Practices
1. We shall demonstrate our respect and appreciation for all families’ beliefs, values, customs,languages, and culture relative to their nurturance and support of their children toward achieving
meaningful and relevant priorities and outcomes families’ desire for themselves and their children.
4. We shall empower families with information and resources so that they are informed consumers
of services for their children.
These four ideals from the Division for Early Childhood spoke to me as I explored this position statement. The first one on professional behavior discusses honesty and integrity. These concepts are so important in the work place, especially when working with children. The second ideal is about professional collaboration. Collaboration is so important, we can learn so much from other professionals. Respecting others opinions and ideas in this field leads to productive collaboration that benefits all children. The third and fourth ideals deal with families within our care. We have an ethic responsibility to guide families/parents, inform them, educate them, and empower them in the care and decisions of their childrens lives. I strive to empower my families on all subjects from behavior management, to navigating IEP's, to recalled childrens products on the market. As professionals, as teachers, it is our responsibility to take our wealth of knowledge and share it with the community in benefit of all children.
THe 5 professionals in the video also mention collaboration as being important. I always knew it was important but seriously underestimated how much. I found my ideals in the NAEYC code of ethics but really like the ones you chose so will review the DEC's more closely in the future. I think I might print off both sets, ask co-workers to read them and post for parent's.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite parts of my job is building relationships with families. I am not sure that other grades value its importance or do not make an effort to establish that relationship. I have parents who will return few years later to talk with me about life in general or how there child is doing in school. I love that part of my job and it a goal I have every fall to reach out to every family and "teach" them the importance of being a part of their child's education. Very fun. Thank you for your post.
Hi Amy. That is so awesome that you are out vacationing with your family right now! Isn't online education wonderful?! I wanted to respond to your post on Responsive Family Centered Practices. The families I work with in child welfare have lost their children due to some sort of neglect, abuse, and/or addictions. A lot of people I talk to are really negative about these parents. I treat the parents I assist with compassion, respect, and empathy because sometimes life is just hard, and I believe 100% that people can change and I see this often within these families.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are enjoying your wonderful vacation. Professional collaboration is very important to me as well. I feel that if we can't work as a team to help our children and families then we are failing to provide them with the best possible opportunities that we can.