This assignment is to post on three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field for your professional and personal development. The consequences that I am aware of are, inequity exists world-wide in quality, care, professionalism, accessibility, and support.
The questions still remain:
How are excellence and equity defined in relation to early childhood professionals?
Who takes care of their well-being?
What options do professionals in the field have to increase their knowledge?
How are EC professionals compensated for their work with young children—work that is generally described as difficult as well as extremely important to the well-being of a nation?
In what ways are early childhood professionals evaluated and mentored?
All of these are questions concern my professional life, and they are at the center of my awareness and educational journey.
The field of early childhood is demanding recognition and respect as a vital part of children's development for academics and life. When we don't ask these questions, the children and profession suffer. We need to all be on the same page for what is best for the children and ultimately for the profession. That's why I continue to be a supporter, member, and advocate for NAEYC. We need an organization to lead us all in best practice across the board.