- Follow some of the outside links that you have not yet explored. Where do they lead?
- I followed http://www.researchconnections.org/childcare/states and was able to explore several states information that pertains to equity issues. I especially enjoyed researching http://www.naccrra.org/publications/naccrra-publications/we-can-do-better-2011.php this site has information on each states ranking on oversight and regulation issues. It was fascinating to research each state and see how we are all ranked, our state strengths and weaknesses.
- Thoroughly search one area of the site. What do you find? I found:
We Can Do Better: 2011 Update is the third in a series of reports beginning in 2007 that scores and ranks the states, including the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense (DoD) on 10 program requirements and five oversight benchmarks for child care centers. NACCRRA’s update found that states have made progress but more progress is needed.
The average score in 2011 was 87 out of a possible 150 points (compared to 70 in 2007 and 83 in 2009). Using a standard grading scale, no state earned an A. The Department of Defense earned a B, and four states earned a C. Twenty-one states earned a D. Half of the states (26 states) earned a failing grade. While we should be pleased with the improvement among the states since 2007, an 87 equates to a score of 58 percent, a failing grade in any classroom in America.
Additionally, find out if the site you selected at the beginning of this course offers any information about the issue of this week:
e-newsletter: http://www.preknow.org/signupform.cfm
- Does the website or the e-newsletter contain any information that adds to your understanding of equity and excellence in early care and education?
- I receive daily information on topics relevant to early childhood education from across the country on issues of policy changes, laws, headlines, and various other topics. It has connected me to the field across the country. am able to think in a bigger picture for our field.
- What other new insights about issues and trends in the early childhood field did you gain this week from exploring the website and/or the e-newsletter?
- I would recommend this e-newsletter subscription to all professionals. I have found and utilized many resources from the newsletter information.
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