Blog Assignment: Reactivating Your Blog
Every course of the MS ECS program has included Blog Assignments. You can continue to use the early childhood studies blog that you first created in the Foundations course to complete your Blog Assignments in this course. Your Assignment this week is to post the URL for your blog on the Blog Links Board by Saturday of this week. Also, subscribe to the feeds of your colleagues using your RSS feed aggregator account. Note: Your Instructor will also subscribe to your blog and receive updates.
Note: Remember, blog entries can be less formal and more conversational than your other assignments. There is no required limit to the length of your entry. Unless specified, you may choose to submit answers in writing and/or to upload images, videos, audio clips, or animations relevant to the topic. If you choose to post visuals, you need to explain in what way(s) the visual reflects your answer to the Blog Assignment topic. Keep in mind that the purpose of interacting through blogs is so that you and your colleagues can enrich each others’ ideas, resources, and personal experiences in relation to this course and the program at large.
Note: Remember, blog entries can be less formal and more conversational than your other assignments. There is no required limit to the length of your entry. Unless specified, you may choose to submit answers in writing and/or to upload images, videos, audio clips, or animations relevant to the topic. If you choose to post visuals, you need to explain in what way(s) the visual reflects your answer to the Blog Assignment topic. Keep in mind that the purpose of interacting through blogs is so that you and your colleagues can enrich each others’ ideas, resources, and personal experiences in relation to this course and the program at large.
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