Friday, February 24, 2012

Professional Hopes and Goals

During the first course in this program, you helped to establish and became part of a collaborative learning community. As the courses have progressed, you and your colleagues have been studying together and supporting each others goals with regard to taking on and mastering the challenges of this MS Early Childhood Studies program
As you prepare to move on to your final course before the specializations, take time to think about your aspirations with regard to diversity, equity, and social justice, the different ways in which your colleagues have supported you, how you have supported them, and what you wish for your colleagues as they continue on their professional path.
  • One hope that I have when I think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds: That there becomes a standard in the profession on how we welcome, incorporate and include families with diverse backgrounds...that everyone, everywhere uses appropriate and positive standards when interacting with diverse cultures, expectations and families.  We do have NAEYC and their position statement on diversity in early childhood programs, however, all professionals who work with children need to embrace and uphold these standards. 
  • One goal I would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice: To teach respect and acceptance to not only children, but adults/families as well.  It is our responsibility to educate families and our communities on the importance of issues of diversity, equity, and social justice
  • I would like to say thank you to all of my colleagues and fellow EC professionals.  This journey of Walden continues to be an enlightening one.  I am learning that I grow so much from collaboration and insights of my colleagues as much as I grow from research exploration and reflection!  Here's to a continued amazing journey and the positive and insightful support of everyone!


  1. Amy:

    In addition to educating others, I believe we can be a role model. We can promote equity and social justice by establishing practices and programs that so children and families that everyone is welcomed and accepted.

    Thank you for your insights and contribution throughout the course. Good luck in your last courses as we come closer to the end of this journey.


  2. Amy,

    I think we are all recognizing the role we can play in diversity awareness for children and families. If we continue to model what we have learned and advocate for diversity education, I am convinced that we can make a difference!

    Thank you for your feedback throughout the course!

    Good luck in your next class,


  3. Amy:
    I want to let you know in this last posting that was a privilege to be part of this group class that we both belong. I thank you for your support and help.

  4. Amy,
    Initially I was thinking about writing a hope that is similar to yours: to have a standard to welcome new families with. Then I was thinking about how realistic it really would be. But, I guess that's why it's a "hope"! Thanks for contributing to my learning :)

